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North Korea 'will test rockets week by week', senior authority tells BBC

North Korea will keep on testing rockets, a senior authority has told the BBC in Pyongyang, regardless of global judgment and developing military strains with the US."We'll be directing more rocket tests on a week by week, month to month and yearly premise," Vice-Foreign Minister Han Song-ryol told the BBC's John Sudworth.He said that a "full scale war" would come about if the US made military move.

Prior, US Vice-President Mike Pence cautioned North Korea not to test the US.He said his nation's "period of vital persistence" with North Korea was over.Mr Pence landed in Seoul on Sunday hours after North Korea completed a fizzled rocket launch.Tensions have been raising on the landmass, with warmed talk from both North Korea and the US.Mr Han told the BBC: "If the US is arranging a military assault against us, we will respond with an atomic pre-emptive strike by our own style and method."North Korea has quickened its atomic and rocket tests as of late, regardless of global judgment and UN sanctions.Its point is to have the capacity to put an atomic warhead on an intercontinental ballistic rocket that can achieve focuses far and wide, including the US.

US President Donald Trump has said that won't occur, and ventured up weight on the detached North.He has sent a naval force strike aggregate towards the Korean Peninsula, and the US and South Korea are pushing forward with the early sending of a dubious rocket resistance system.Despite the pressure, North Korea may complete a 6th atomic test soon, onlookers say. It test-terminated a rocket on Sunday that detonated close to dispatch, taking after a great military parade on Saturday.


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