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Nepal Airlines skipper held with undeclared USD 93,600 from TIA


KATHMANDU: A senior pilot with the Nepal Airlines Corporation has been captured with an enormous measure of undeclared American dollar from the Tribhuvan International Airport on Sunday night.

As per a profoundly put source at the TIA, police captured senior chief Subarna Awale with USD 93,600 amid the last security check to load onto a flight to Dubai.Awale should order the NAC flight, RA 229, to Dubai, planned for 11:30pm, when he was gotten with the concealed store of outside monetary forms in his grasp baggage.

Awale was taken in care at Gaushala Police Circle and further examination was in progress, a senior cop revealed to THT Online.

He told police that he was taking out the fortune to send it to his little girl who thinks about in the United States of America.The national banner transporter sent skipper MM Dangol to fly the traveler air ship to the goal.


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