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Himal life Insurance Company

Himal  life Insurance
Himal Life, built up under the Company Act 2053 and Insurance Act 2049 as an open restricted organization on 2058/01/21 (04/05/2001).Himal Life is the principal extra security organization set up by private speculators. The promoters of the organization are a gathering of surely understood businesspeople and business places of Nepal. Inside the sixteen years of operation the Company has set up a great business record and has a solid money related position.

The organization has an approved capital of rupess. 500 Crore and Paid-up Capital of Rs. 173.40 Crore. As on Baisakh 2072 the organization has protected 7,22,543 under routine arrangements worth Rs. 14,151 Crore and 12,12,180 Foreign Expatriate approaches worth Rs. 60,651 Crore. Out of the aggregate premium gathered the organization has contributed Rs. 3,065 Crore according to rules of Bima Samiti. The organization has protected itself with understand reinsurance organization Hannover Re Life Reinsurance Company. Germany.


To attempt through the respectable establishment of Life Insurance in making each family financially protected and secure whereby each native of Nepal may contribute his strength in building a sound, prosperous, solid and Vibrant Nation.

To take into account monetary and Social needs of each fragment of society by planning separated and inventive protection instruments. To give after deals administration to clients that can be hailed as the best.


Being in the matter of offering life coverage items it is playing out an indistinguishable occupation from alternate back up plans managing "Disaster protection". Be that as it may, HimalLife Insurance Company has its own particular character on account of the mission and way for which it is working. The organization is working with a period bound procedure to satisfy it's vision of spreading message of protection to each home and to contribute significantly in making Nepal a monetarily sound and energetic country. Aside from spreading the system of branches all over Nepal the organization arrangements to make a quantum bounce in number of operators and to give them satisfactory preparing to giving information and expertise, so that the organization can reach and profundity in the market.

The organization is concentrating on giving subjective administrations of International Standard. Our desire is to give over the counter administrations in every one of its operations.

This desire can't be satisfied without the assistance of data innovation. The organization has solid IT framework. All Branches of Himal Life has been associated through wide zone systems administration to give better clients service.Himal lLife, being in the matter of offering disaster protection items it is playing out an indistinguishable occupation from alternate guarantors managing "Extra security". Be that as it may, Nepal Life Insurance Company has its own particular character due to the mission and way for which it is working. The organization is working with a period bound methodology to satisfy it's vision of spreading message of protection to each home and to contribute generously in making Nepal a financially sound and dynamic country. Aside from spreading the system of branches all over Nepal the organization arrangements to make a quantum hop in number of operators and to give them sufficient preparing to giving learning and ability, so that the organization can reach and profundity in the market.

The organization is concentrating on giving subjective administrations of International Standard. Our desire is to give over the counter administrations in every one of its operations.


The arrangement is exceptionally composed Endowment item to cover the extensive variety of hazard for our social groups of Nepal:

The safeguarded sum (entirety guaranteed) together with reward is payable on development date and full protected sum (total guaranteed) again payable on death of life guaranteed after development.

If there should be an occurrence of death before development date under inforce strategy, the guaranteed sum (aggregate guaranteed) and whatever reward announced is payable.

safeguarded sum (entirety guaranteed) is payable in the event of death of the arrangement holder after development of approach term.

Least protected sum (aggregate guaranteed) is Rs. 100,000 and no restriction for most extreme protected sum (total guaranteed) contingent on the salary wellspring of the proposer.

Least passage age is 16 yrs and most extreme section age is 65 yrs.

Least term is 5 yrs and greatest term is 54 yrs or most extreme age of 70 yrs which ever is prior.

The method of installment is either yearly, half yearly or quarterly.

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