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London fear assault: what we know up until now

A vehicle cut down people on foot on London's Westminster Bridge, murdering no less than one lady and leaving others with wounds depicted as cataclysmic. Around a similar time Wednesday, a blade using aggressor cut a cop and was shot on the grounds outside Britain's Parliament, sending the compound into lock down. Specialists said they were regarding the assaults as a psychological oppressor episode. The danger level for global fear mongering in the U.K. was at that point recorded at serious. Wednesday was the commemoration of suicide bombings in the Brussels airplane terminal and tram that killed 32 individuals, and the most recent occasions reverberated late vehicle assaults in Berlin and Nice, France. There was no prompt claim of duty and it was not clear if there was more than one assailant. London Police Commander B.J. Harrington said a full counter-psychological warfare examination was in progress.

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