Media identity and film on-screen character Rajinikanth has an expected total assets of $50 million. As a performer, he appeared with the 1975 film Apoorva Raagangal, which won a National Film Award. In the wake of acquiring ₹26 crore (identical to ₹55 crore or US$8.5 million in 2016) for his part in Sivaji (2007), he was the most generously compensated on-screen character in Asia after Jackie Chan at the time.
Rajinikanth Income, Cars, Houses, Lifestyle and Net Worth
Distributed On: May 1, 2017
Media identity and film on-screen character Rajinikanth has an expected total assets of $50 million. As a performer, he appeared with the 1975 film Apoorva Raagangal, which won a National Film Award. In the wake of acquiring ₹26 crore (identical to ₹55 crore or US$8.5 million in 2016) for his part in Sivaji (2007), he was the most generously compensated on-screen character in Asia after Jackie Chan at the time.
Media identity and film on-screen character Rajinikanth has an expected total assets of $50 million. As a performer, he appeared with the 1975 film Apoorva Raagangal, which won a National Film Award. In the wake of acquiring ₹26 crore (identical to ₹55 crore or US$8.5 million in 2016) for his part in Sivaji (2007), he was the most generously compensated on-screen character in Asia after Jackie Chan at the time.
International News
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