Hanako, Princess Hitachi , on 19 July 1940, is an individual from the Japanese Imperial Family as the spouse of Masahito, Prince Hitachi, who is the more youthful child of Emperor Shōwa and the main sibling of the present head, Akihito. She is the fourth girl of Count Yoshitaka Tsugaru, the last illustrative of the Tsugaru faction and received child of the daimyo of the Tsugaru Domain (introduce day Hirosaki, Aomori). Yoshitaka Tsugaru was initially from the Owari branch of the Tokugawa faction. He was likewise an individual from the privileged made by the Meiji reclamation (kazoku). Her mom, Hisako Mōri, was a relative of the Mōri faction and furthermore of the previous daimyo of Chōshū Domain in the previous area of Nagato (present day Yamaguchi).
Princess Hitachi is relative from the old medieval gentry. She is a moment cousin to a niece of Kikuko, Princess Takamatsu who was, similar to her dad, a relative of the Tokugawa family. She is additionally a moment cousin to Takamasa Ikeda, previous leader of the Ikeda faction and spouse of her sister-in-law, Atsuko Ikeda.
Hanako Tsugaru went to the prestigious Gakushuin School for her essential, middle school, and secondary school training, a school for Peers which its motivation was to teach the offspring of the majestic family and the royal nobility (kuge). She moved on from the Gakushuin Women's Junior College in 1961.
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